The Secret to Great Veggie Burgers

If you read any veggie or bean burger recipe, and it has you adding water, you are already on the wrong track. Any time you add water, your burger will fall to pieces or never get done. So, do not saute or make a flex egg. But, do add flex seeds and as many vegetables as you like. A food processor is the only way to go, too. I grind my vegetables, beans, and sometimes my grains (if a small batch) in one. I first put in the veggies, second the beans, and the grains last. When I make a really big batch, I have to use my electric mixer, which also is a great tool, to mix in the grains and seeds. I pour the flex seed right into the mix, as well as potato starch. Oat meal and rice (the latter in small quantities - use brown, red, or wild) can help soak up water, too. Add them all in, or what ever you want, then let it sit for about thirty minutes, especially if you have added oatmeal. I do all my quantities by eye-balling, so I cannot tell you exactly how much to use, but it really depends on how much liquid there is, which will depend on your veggies. The veggies will make water in the food processor. Why, you never add more water. I use carrots, onions, garlic, kale, asparagus, mushrooms (not technically a veggie), and sometimes broccoli. Celery and tomatoes produce a lot of water, so I would leave them for some other dish. Be careful about frozen vegetables, too, more water! Also, be sure to go all organic for optimal health. Live long and prosper.